I don't know why I'm feeling the urge to write and share a little bit of my life. The idea just came to me, a gift from the universe. So let's try it.
I've always been a decent writer. I think it's mainly because I just write how I speak... in these posts you'll see a lot of ellipses... and brackets (because I do this weird thing when I talk, thats like an underlying narrator thing? Anyway) You'll also see a bunch of run-on sentences and huge paragraphs.
I've always enjoyed writing, it was something that came easy to me. And I love sharing. I love telling stories from my life in my own special way. Trust me, when I get really going, I like to add in actions and gestures; the whole bit. Unfortunately I can't do that on the internet, so you'll just have to settle for a writing style that is totally unprofessional and conversational.
Anyway, ok, guess I'll start with "who I am"... God. Who am I?
Well, I'm Rachel, I'm a person. A woman. I love nature. I love my family. I love sleeping. I love yoga. I'm kind of a hippy type, very much into mystical and magical things, you know... "woo woo" stuff. I'm an optimist. I'm an introvert and an empath (sensitive)... what else.... That's probably enough, hopefully you get the picture.
Outside of myself; I'm married. Happily. I'm self-employed. Happily. I live in a cute little house in Muskoka on the Severn River. I LOVE IT HERE. I'm a major home-body and this little home, is just perfect.
Why am I here; On this planet? Not sure yet. I mean I've done some cool things and met some cool people, but my life's purpose? Jeez, that's heavy.
Haha, my attempt at a joke. I'm not sure why I'm HERE... Like on this blog, writing stuff. Perhaps I'll share my little side projects; (there's many) like renovating the kitchen, sowing my first garden, making maple syrup. Maybe I'll share personal stuff, like struggles I'm having and how I deal with them. Maybe I'll just tell lame stories about my pets and how they came to be in our lives... All I know is that I'm so curious (nosey) about other people's lives; why wouldn't people be curious (nosey) about my life? Either way, maybe this will just be another little project that I start and let fall to the wayside. Who knows!!
How long are these things usually? Like, a page? 2 pages? 3 pages?? Are you even still reading?
If yes, thank you. If no, why not? I'll try to keep things short and sweet, maybe add a few pictures along the way. Until I decide what to write about next, byeeeeeeeeee!
See what I mean about the hippy/mystic vibe?