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I love hearing other people's love stories. When I first meet a new person, and they tell me they are in a relationship; my next question is almost always "HOW DID YOU MEET". There is just something about hearing a story, already knowing there's a happy ending coming.

Even if you met on an app, most people just stop there but I mean...... What did you first think? Did you ask for the second date or did they? Did you know right away it was going to be something or did it take time? What impressed you most about them at first?

See? Every story is lovely and beautiful and I wanna hear it!

So, with that being said; here is my unsolicited sharing of how me and my husband (Jeremy) met.

Us. On the BEST DAY EVER. Literally. The perfect day. Top to bottom. Yes.

*Eases down into an old chair* "ahem" It was the spring of 2011.... I was home from university after my 1st year of studies at Ryerson. ("Home" is Barrie, ON at this point) I'm a go-getter and my parents don't give handouts so my first order of business was getting a job. I probably could have gone back to my last summer's job at the Winners in town but I HATED being inside ALL SUMMER LONG. I wanted the sun, I wanted fun, I wanted to get strong. So that of course, means some kind of landscaping/gardening/golf course job.

FUN FACT: When I was in high school, I started my first business, "The Lawn Ranger" (clever. I know... I was a weird kid ok?)

So with that experience in my little back pocket, I hit kijiji and applied to all the "landscape" "labourer" "gardening" "lawn cutting" jobs. Long story short, I landed a job as part of the "lawn crew" at Joe's Lawn and Garden (not the real name, cause "Joe" turned out to be a real gem of a human.. another tale for another time)

My first day:

It's early in the season and the snow JUST melted (great white north, remember?) So there was no grass yet to cut. The whole team was on "yard clean up". So it's about 5 guys and little ol' me. The guys are totally awesome and chill and nice and I'm okay with being in the company of guys so it wasn't weird at all. They were quick to make me feel welcome. As they went around introducing themselves, they tell me that there is another guy as well, but he's just away doing a run to the dump.

Hmm, okay..... who IS this other guy? Something pinged inside me, like, my antennas went up or something. I was suddenly really aware of this "other guy" and was curious.

So we're raking away, picking up sticks and putting it all into bags when a company truck rolls up. It comes to a stop at the curb and the door opens. I'm watching, rake in hand as the "other guy" casually walks around the vehicle.

Girl. It was like slow motion.......

Okay, not really but DAMN this guy was CUTE!! And holy moly bells were going off in my head like

"THIS GUY IS SPECIAL RACHEL". So weird because this is literally the first time I'm laying eyes on him, but now I see this is what they call "love at first sight". UGH so cheesy but MAN... something HAPPENED. The universe snapping? Who knows. BTW this is Jeremy.

Anyway, time goes on and we're working together. I learn that he is the foreman of the "stone" crew; but "Joe" hasn't secured any stone jobs yet so they're doing lawn clean up with us (I didn't mind, of course) As we get to know each other I learn that Jeremy is lighthearted, funny as hell, easy going and loves to sing while he works. I think he is THE COOLEST EVER. He and one of the other guys on the crew are buddies and I hang around them most of the day.

Watching them, I wanted SO BADLY just to be his friend. I wanted to be his buddy toooooooo!!!!! So I try to find ways to insert myself into the conversations; I eat my lunch close to where they are eating, I tell them"yeah I smoke weed", and just generally hover around as much as I can without looking too creepy.

This goes on for a few weeks, and I still just want to be friends with this guy. He's so cool, and easy to be around! Till one night, I'm at a party with one of my girlfriends from University. I don't know anyone at this party, and I'm bored as hell. I'm also a little tipsy. So what does Drunk Rachel decide is the best course of action? I pop onto Facebook on my phone, and pull up Jeremy's profile. Ohhhh looky hereeeeee Guy has his phone number listed on his page. Dooooonnnn'tttt miiiiiinndd if I do!

I copy the number and send a text (or BBM.. ha, blackberry's)

"Hey. Guess who this is"

(His obvious response:)"Hi. I have no clue"

"Go on, guess!"

"...No idea"

"Ur no fun..... It's Rachel, from work"

And so on....

I KID YOU NOT: We never stopped texting from that day forward. Probably every day (except when we're together) We continued chatting during work, after work, ALL THE TIME.

From this point, our friendship developed. We texted all the time and Jeremy started inviting me to hangout or go swimming with the guys after work. Soon the hangouts and swim meets with the guys, turned into hangouts and swim meets withOUT the guys. It was just us.

We started calling them "secret dates" because we didn't want the other guys to know we were hanging out. (I also didn't want my parents to know, because if I haven't revealed this information at this point, I'm 19.... and Jeremy? is 28. 9 YEARS DIFFERENCE)

The "secret dates" turned into real dates, like dinner and movies and such. And our friendship was DEFINITELY something more. I fell HARD for this guy and I think he fell for me pretty good too.

I think it was August that same year, after helping my parents move AWAY from Barrie when we sat out on the garden swing at their new house in Welland and I pretty much asked him if we were "Official" (he laughed at the fact that I'm even asking the question) But it was yes. We were official.

The oldest picture I could find of us... March 2012. With my NOW brother-in-law Matt.

Now I'm 29, and he's (gonna be) 38. 10 years later. Couldn't be more in love. I love our story, mostly because we're the stars of it...but also because I know the Universe had a BIG plan for us, and when that plan came together.... I could FEEL it. Everything since then has literally fallen into place. I'm so lucky. I'm so fortunate. I'm so grateful.

The day we got engaged. I WAS SO SURPRISED. (another tale for another time)

This was a long one, but a good one. Thanks for sticking around! I'm loving sharing my stories.


Now, I'm sure you're all wondering.... Rachel. How did a south western Ontario girl, raised up in the heart of Dairy country, surrounded by fields, end up in a BEAUTIFUL place like this?

Well friends, gather round because I will now tell that tale...

It all started many moons ago.... when my parents needed to move the family up to (freaking) Barrie. There is a deeper story behind all that, but here's the main point. My parents moved from lil' ol Woodstock to (what I lovingly called) The Great White North. So, when I was home from University, I needed to get a job. Let me tell you, this job is pretty much the hinge upon which my whole live pivots around. The job was.....


Yes, I was a landscaper. I raked leaves, cut grass, dug gardens, spread manure and pulled weeds.

Ok so it doesn't sound that revolutionary, but trust me.... it gets good. While working this job, I happened to meet... my freaking husband (At least I didn't know it at the time but yeah...big deal.)

After meeting Jeremy (My aforementioned husband), we pretty much locked it up right away. I went back to school, we moved in together, I graduated school, we bought a house, we got married blah, blah blah.

So, we're living in Stouffville, in our TINY little 1st home. I have a great job at a Sock Company. We have 2 dogs. Everything's great. Until one day.....

I'm sitting at my desk at my great job, having a wonderful ol' time. When The Universe has a message for me. It's like

"You gotta get outta here"

Pardon...? Excuse me? This great life I have? No, I'm good thanks. Bye.

But you know The Universe. She's persistent. And EVERY DAY. ALL DAY.

"You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here. You gotta get outta here..."

So finally I'm like OKAY... JEEZ! WHERE?

".... Muskoka"

Seriously? Okay, I mean I get it... Jeremy is from here. He grew up literally 6 minutes from our current home. His parents still live here. We were coming up to spend almost every weekend during the summer because we loved it so much. We hated Sunday Nights because that's when we would have to pack up and leave to go back to "The City" (Stouffville) We got married here! In his parent's back yard. But dude, I have a great job. We just finished renovating our house. Jeremy just started a business... Maybe not right now.

But you know The Universe.

"You gotta move to Muskoka. You gotta move to Muskoka.You gotta move to Muskoka.You gotta move to Muskoka.You gotta move to Muskoka.You gotta move to Muskoka.You gotta move to Muskoka...."

It just got so uncomfortable! OH MY GOD. Okay, I'll just look.... I'll just take a peep at the listings and see what's out there....

Well, my friends... THAT turned into; I'll just talk to this Realtor...I'll just get a pre-approval from this broker...I'll just take a look at this house...I'll just put an offer on this house. Of course Jeremy was involved; but he's more the type to take things slowly. And me? I've never heard the word before in my life. When I get an idea in this little ol' head, it's like a moving train. Ain't nothing gonna stop me.

So, I bought a house in Muskoka.

Well, we did.

I quit my great job, Jeremy moved his entire freaking business and we packed all our crap up.

We landed ourselves this little 1 acre slice of pure heaven. 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath, 2 car garage and 75 feet of frontage on the Severn River. Holy crap.

Don't get me wrong, it was scary as hell. I *kind of* had a job lined up and Jeremy had to almost start from scratch with his own business. But man, the Universe is hardly ever wrong. Not a day goes by that I'm not beyond grateful that I listened to that message. We LOVE it here. This is home. Forever.

Our dogs love the space to run and play. We love the riverfront so we can swim and play. We love our family close by. We love the community. UGH SO MUCH LOVE!

So, yeah! We're here! 2.5 years later, Jeremy's business is doing GREAT. My business is growing and sustaining us nicely. We're just so incredibly happy and fortunate to be here and doing what we love.

Moral of the story: When The Universe sends you a message, LISTEN GIRL (Or guy, or neither). It means good things are COMIN'.

One day I'll elaborate on our House Hunting adventure ('cuz that's always gold). Until then...


I don't know why I'm feeling the urge to write and share a little bit of my life. The idea just came to me, a gift from the universe. So let's try it.

I've always been a decent writer. I think it's mainly because I just write how I speak... in these posts you'll see a lot of ellipses... and brackets (because I do this weird thing when I talk, thats like an underlying narrator thing? Anyway) You'll also see a bunch of run-on sentences and huge paragraphs.

I've always enjoyed writing, it was something that came easy to me. And I love sharing. I love telling stories from my life in my own special way. Trust me, when I get really going, I like to add in actions and gestures; the whole bit. Unfortunately I can't do that on the internet, so you'll just have to settle for a writing style that is totally unprofessional and conversational.

Anyway, ok, guess I'll start with "who I am"... God. Who am I?

Well, I'm Rachel, I'm a person. A woman. I love nature. I love my family. I love sleeping. I love yoga. I'm kind of a hippy type, very much into mystical and magical things, you know... "woo woo" stuff. I'm an optimist. I'm an introvert and an empath (sensitive)... what else.... That's probably enough, hopefully you get the picture.

Outside of myself; I'm married. Happily. I'm self-employed. Happily. I live in a cute little house in Muskoka on the Severn River. I LOVE IT HERE. I'm a major home-body and this little home, is just perfect.

Why am I here; On this planet? Not sure yet. I mean I've done some cool things and met some cool people, but my life's purpose? Jeez, that's heavy.

Haha, my attempt at a joke. I'm not sure why I'm HERE... Like on this blog, writing stuff. Perhaps I'll share my little side projects; (there's many) like renovating the kitchen, sowing my first garden, making maple syrup. Maybe I'll share personal stuff, like struggles I'm having and how I deal with them. Maybe I'll just tell lame stories about my pets and how they came to be in our lives... All I know is that I'm so curious (nosey) about other people's lives; why wouldn't people be curious (nosey) about my life? Either way, maybe this will just be another little project that I start and let fall to the wayside. Who knows!!

How long are these things usually? Like, a page? 2 pages? 3 pages?? Are you even still reading?

If yes, thank you. If no, why not? I'll try to keep things short and sweet, maybe add a few pictures along the way. Until I decide what to write about next, byeeeeeeeeee!

See what I mean about the hippy/mystic vibe?

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